Ramadhan Running Club

Ramadhan Running Club

KD 100.000

Event Description

Learn your running basics, meet new running buddies and build your stamina in a fun environment with our skilled trainers through Kids in Action running club.

Date: 2/3/2025 – 27/3/2025
Time: 03:30 -04:30 pm
Days Sun & Tues – Mon & Wed
Ages: 4-6 years / 7-9 years
Location: Spower, Khaldiya
Help and Support

Please contact us by email or by phone for more information or registration issues. We are happy to assist you.

Kindly note that cancellation or refund requests are done within 24 hours of time of purchase.

Registration Form

Please fill the below information for registration. Fields marked as (*) are mandatory.

"*" indicates required fields

Full Name*
DD slash MM slash YYYY

1. This application represents an agreement between Run LLC and the Applicant and will remain in effect for a period of the Enrollment period.
2. The Applicant is aware that the acceptance of his/her Child enrollment is solely at the discretion of Run LLC’s management, who reserve the right to accept or refuse any child application.
3. The fees for membership are designated in a separate schedule and by signing on this agreement, I the parent hereby acknowledge and agree on Run LLC’s fee.
4. Run LLC reserves the right at any time to terminate the Applicant’s child if the child deemed unfit to the Run LLC’s managements terms and community standards.
5. The applicant is aware of the general rules and basic manners that shall be followed in the event and hereby declare his/her understanding to instruct his/her child to follow them.
1. It is expressly agreed that all use of Run LLC facilities and services shall be at the Applicant’s sole discretion.
2. Run LLC shall not be liable for any injuries or damage to any child and may not be subject to any claim including and not limited to; those actions resulting from acts of active or passive negligence on the part of the event, the managing company’s owners or its employees (trainers and general staff).
3. The Applicant hereby expressly forever release and discharge Run LLC from all responsibility for any claims including and not limited to; theft, loss or damage in property.
1. The Applicant is aware that his/her child should adhere to the rules of Run LLC and maintain the well condition of the facilities and equipment and/or gear provided.
2. Run LLC’s Management holds the right to amend or change the rules of the event for whatever and in any time they see fit for the benefit of Run LLC and their attendees. The management will provide its best effort to make the rules clear but not necessarily in effective writing.
3. I am aware that the event fee is non-refundable after activating this signed agreement by attending Run LLC’s event and/ or using one or all of its facilities.
4. Applicants under the age of 18 years old must co-sign this agreement with an adult/guardian. However, this agreement does not deem ineffective if this term is not met.
5. I Hereby agree on all the terms above by clicking the (Submit) button below.